Kaltern am Kalterer See/Caldaro al lago - www.kaltern.com

Logo Kaltern am Kalterer See/Caldaro al lago - www.kaltern.com
Logo Kaltern am Kalterer See/Caldaro al lago - www.kaltern.com

Kaltern am Kalterer See/Caldaro al lago - www.kaltern.com

vor 11 Jahren

Kaltern zählt zu den schönsten Urlaubsorten Südtirols. Der Kalterer See mit seinen herrlichen Freizeitmöglichkeiten, das Dorf mit seinem lebendigen Marktplatz und den zahlreichen umliegenden Fraktionen, die vom Wein geprägte Kulturlandschaft ... Weitere Informationen unter www.kaltern.com

Caldaro é sicuramente uno dei villaggi piú belli dell'Alto Adige. Il lago di Caldaro con le sue poliedriche peculiaritá, il paese con la sua vivace piazza e le pittoresche frazioni, il paesaggio circostante forgiato dalla viticoltura... Ulteriori informazioni sul sito www.caldaro.info

Just like the Mediterranean,
is what you hear everywhere. Both local residents and visitors agree when asked what it's like in Kaltern am See - also known as Caldaro al Lago, which makes it a place with more than one name and many different faces. Coming from the north, there really is so much southern flair that hits right after crossing the Brenner Pass.
Still a few spruce, larch and pine but yet also palms. And they're deep in the soil, not in pots. Cypress, fig and olive trees. And then the vineyards, which is the last bit of evidence needed to prove: You're in the south.... Further information about Kaltern: www.kaltern.com

Unterkünfte Kaltern am See / Südtiroler...
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